This book is the very first to collect together the key official documents tracing the development of European foreign policy from the end of the Second World War to the present day. It contains:
*all important documents on European foreign policy from 1948 to the Kosovo crisis
*material from major treaties such as The North Atlantic treaty, the treaty of Rome and the treaty of Amsterdam
*European responses to major world events such as the Middle East peace process, the Falklands war and the Balkans crisis
*detailed commentary and analysis of the documents providing a valuable political and historical context
*many documents which are extremely difficult to obtain elsewhere.
The unparalleled coverage makes this book an essential primary source for all those interested in European politics and International Relations.
Document 11 Treaty of Economic Social and Cultural Collaboration and Collective SelfDefence between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and N.
Document 12 The North Atlantic Treaty Washington DC 4 April 1949 Document 13 The Statute of the Council of Europe 5 May 1949 Document 14 The Schuman Declaration 9 May 1950 Declaration of Mr Robert Schuman of 9 May 1950 Document 15 Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community Preamble Paris 18 April 1951 Document 16 The European Defence Community Treaty Paris 27 May 1952Document 17 Draft Treaty embodying the Statute of the European Community Adopted by the Ad Hoc Assembly in Strasbourg European Political C.
Document 18 Protocol Modifying and Completing the Brussels Treaty Western European Union Paris 23 October 1954
Document 4b18 Statement by the European Council on Iran Dublin 30 November 1979Document 4b19 Declaration by the Nine Foreign Ministers on the Question of the American Hostages Detained at the American Embassy at Tehran L.
Document 4b21 Conclusions of the European Council on Iran Edinburgh 12 December 1992 Document 4b22 Declaration by the Council of the European Union on Iran Luxembourg 29 April 1997 Document 4b24 Press Statement on AfghanistanIran Brussels and Vienna 11 September 1998Document 4b25 Statement by the Twelve Foreign Ministers on the Combating of International Terrorism Brussels 27 January 1986
Document 4b26 Statement by the Twelve Foreign Ministers on International Terrorism and the Crisis in the Mediterranean The Hague 14 April 1986
Document 4b27 Excepts from Dutch Presidencys Answers to Oral Parliamentary Questions Concerning the Crisis in the Gulf of Sidra Strasbourg 16 .
Document 19 Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community Treaty of Rome Rome 25 March 1957Document 110 Draft Treaty for the Establishment of a European Political Union Fouchet Plan I 2 November 1961
Document 111 Second Draft of the Treaty for the Establishment of a European Union Fouchet Plan II 18 January 1962
Document 112 Treaty between the French Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany Concerning FrancoGerman Cooperation The Elysee Treat.
Document 113 Report on the Future Tasks of the Alliance Harmel Report Brussels December 1967 Section 2 EPCCFSP institutional developmentsDocument 21 Communique of the Conference of the Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the European Community The Hague .
Document 22 First Report of the Foreign Ministers to the Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the European Community The Da.
Document 23 Statement of the Conference of the Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the European Union Paris 21 October 1972
Document 24 Second Report of the Foreign Ministers to the Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the European Community The .
Document 25 Declaration on European Identity by the Nine Foreign Ministers Copenhagen 14 December 1973
Document 26 Text of the Gymnich Formula 10ll June 1974Document 27 Communique of the Meeting of the Heads of State and Government of the European Community Paris 10 December 1974
Document 28 Report on European Union by Leo Tindemans The Tindemans Report 29 December 1975 Document 29 Statement by the European Council on European Union The Hague 2930 November 1976Document 210 Report by the Foreign Ministers to the European Council on European Union Brussels 56 December 1977
Document 211 Report Issued by the Foreign Ministers of the Ten on European Political Cooperation The London Report London 13 October 1981
Document 212 Draft European Act Proposal by the German and Italian Foreign Ministers The GenscherColombo Plan 12 November 1981
Document 213 Solemn Declaration on European Union by the European Council The Stuttgart Declaration Stuttgart 19 June 1983
Document 214 Draft Treaty Establishing the European Union approved by the European Parliament 14 February 1984
Document 215 The Single European Act Luxembourg 17 February 1986 and The Hague 28 February 1986Document 216 Decision of the Foreign Ministers Meeting in the Framework of European Political Cooperation 28 February 1986
Document 217 Declaration by the European Council on the International Role of the European Community The Rhodes Declaration Rhodes 3 Dece.
Provisions on a Common Foreign and Security Policy Signed in Maastricht in December 1991 ratified by all Member States by 1 November 1993
Document 219 Conclusions of the Presidency of the European Council Edinburgh 12 December 1992 Provisions on a Common Commercial Policy 7 February 1992Document 221 Report to the European Council on the Likely Development of the Common Foreign and Security Policy CFSP with a View to Identif.
Document 222 Treaty of Amsterdam Brussels 19 June 1997 Document 223 Conclusions of the European Council Meeting in Vienna 1112 December 1998 Document 224 Conclusions of the European Council Meeting in Cologne 34 June 1999 Section 3 The revival of the WEU and the evolution of a European security identity Document 31 Declaration by the Western European Union Council of Ministers Rome 27 October 1984 Document 32 Western European Union Platform on European Security Interests The Hague 27 October 1987Document 33 Declaration Issued by the Heads of State and Government Participating in the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council Rome 78 Novemb.
Document 34 Declarations on the Western European Union annexed to the Treaty on European Union on 7 February l992 issued on the occasion of .
Document 35 Declaration by the Western European Unions Council of Ministers The Petersberg Declaration Bonn 19 June 1992
Document 36 Declaration by the Western European Union Council of Ministers Extraordinary Meeting with the States of Central Europe Bonn 19 Ju.
Document 37 Declaration of the Heads of State and Government Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe Helsinki July 1992
Document 38 Communique Issued by the Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council Brussels 17 December 1992
Document 39 Declaration of the Heads of State and Government Participating in the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council Brussels 1011 January 19.
Document 310 Declaration by the Western European Unions Council of Ministers The Kirchberg Declaration Luxembourg 9 May 1994
A Common Foreign and Security Policy for Europe the Intergovernmental Conference of 1996 Centre for Defence Studies Kings College London p .
A Common Concept of the 27 WEU Countries WEU Council of Ministers Madrid 14 November 1995 Document 313 Communique Ministerial Meeting North Atlantic Council Berlin 3 June 1996Document 314 Declaration on EuroAtlantic Security and Cooperation Issued by the Heads of State and Government North Atlantic Council Madrid 8.
Document 3 715 FrancoBritish Declaration on European Defence The St Malo Declaration St Malo 4 December 1998
Document 316 Summit Communique issued by the Heads of State and Government Participating in the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council Washi.
Document 317 Declaration of the WEU Council of Ministers The Bremen Declaration Bremen 1011 May 1999 Document 318 Conclusions of the European Council Meeting in Cologne 3 4 June 1999 a EastWest and transatlantic relations EPC and the CSCEDocument 4a1 Statement by KB Andersen Foreign Minister of Denmark during the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe Helsinki 3 Ju.
Document 4a3 Statement by Italian Prime Minister A Moro during the third stage of the Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe Helsinki.
Document 4a4 Declaration by the Nine Foreign Ministers on Afghanistan Brussels 15 January 1980 Document 4a5 Declaration by the Nine Foreign Ministers on Afghanistan Rome 19 February 1980 Document 4a6 Declaration by the European Council on Afghanistan Luxembourg 2930 June 198lDocument 4a7 Speech by Lord Carrington on behalf of the Ten to the European Parliament Strasbourg 8 July 1981
Document 4a9 Communique Issued on the Occasion of the Informal European Political Cooperation Ministerial Discussion on Poland Brussels 4 Jan.
Document 4a10 Declaration of the European Council on EastWest Relations Brussels 2930 March 1982Document 4a12 Conclusions of the European Council on European CommunityUnited States Relations Brussels 2829 June 1982
Document 4a13 Statement by the European Council on Central and Eastern Europe Strasbourg 89 December 1989
Document 4a14 Conclusions of the European Council on Relations with the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe Copenhagen 2122 June 1993
Document 4a15 Conclusions of the European Council on Relations with the Central and Eastern European Countries Essen 910 December 1994
Document 4a16 Political Declaration Adopted at the Conclusion of the Final Conference on the Pact on Stability in Europe Paris 2021 March 1995
Document 4a17 Conclusions of the European Council on European Union Enlargement Luxembourg 1213 December 1997
Document 4a18 Conclusions of the Special Meeting of the European Council on German Unification Dublin 28 April 1990
Document 4a19 Statement Concerning German Unification 2 October 1990Document 4a20 Declaration of the European Political Cooperation Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting on the Situation in the Soviet Union The Hagu.
Document 4a22 Conclusions of the European Council on the European Unions Relations with Russia Cannes 2627 June 1995
Document 4a23 Common Strategy of the European Union on Russia 4JuiH 1999 Document 4a24 Joint Declaration on ECUS Relations 22 November 1990 Document 4a25 The New Transatlantic Agenda Signed at the EUUS Summit Madrid 3 December 1995Document 4b1 Statement by the Nine Foreign Ministers on the situation in the Middle East Brussels 6 November 1973
Document 4b2 Statement by the European Council on the Middle East London 29 June 1977Document 4b4 Declaration by the European Council on the Situation in the Middle East Venice Declaration Venice 1213 June 1980
Document 4b6 Statement by the Ten Foreign Ministers on the Situation in Lebanon Bonn 9 June 1982Document 4b7 Declaration by the Twelve Foreign Ministers on the Middle East Brussels 23 February 1987
Document 4b8 Declaration by the European Council on the Middle East Madrid 262 7 June 1989 Document 4b9 Declaration by the European Council on the Middle East Dublin 2526 June 1990Document 4b10 Statement on the Middle East Peace Process European Political Cooperation 10 October 1991
Document 4b11 Declaration on the Middle East Peace Process European Political Cooperation 13 September 1993
Document 4b12 Joint Action by the Council of the European Union Adopted on the Basis of Article J3 of the Treaty on European Union in Support .
Document 4b13 Conclusions by the General Affairs Council on the Middle East Peace Process 2 October 1995
Document 4b14 Joint Action by the Council of the European Union Adopted on the Basis of J3 in Relation to the Nomination of an EU Special Envo.
Document 4b15 Press Statement on the Middle East Peace Process Brussels and London 7 May 1998 Document 4b16 Press Statement on the Middle East Peace Process Luxembourg and Vienna 26 October 1998 Document 4b17 Conclusions of the European Council in Berlin 2425 March 1999 Document 4b28 Press Statement by the Presidency on Terrorism London 10 November 1986Document 4b30 Statement by the Twelve Foreign Ministers on the Use of Chemical Weapons in the Iran Iraq War The Hague l8 April 1986
Document 4b32 Statement by the Community and its Member States on the Invasion of Kuwait by Iraq Rome and Brussels 4 August 1990
Document 4b33 Communique by the Western European Union Council of Ministers Paris 21 August 1990Document 4b34 Statement by the European Community and its Member States on the Gulf Crisis Rome and Brussels 12 November 1990
Document 4b35 Press Statement by the Presidency on the Gulf Crisis Extraordinary European Political Cooperation Ministerial Meeting Luxembourg.
Document 4b36 Declaration by the Twelve Foreign Ministers on the Gulf Brussels 14 January 1991Document 4b38 Statement by the European Community and the Member States on the Gulf Brussels 28 February 1991
Document 4b39 Decision of the Informal Meeting of the European Council Luxembourg 8 April 1991Document 4b41 Press Statement on the Withdrawal of Turkish Troops from Northern Iraq Brussels and Paris 9 May 1995
Document 4b42 Statement in the European Parliament on the Events in Iraq 18 September 1996 Document 4b44 Press Statement on Iraq Brussels and Vienna 11 November 1998Document 4b46 Declaration by the European Community and its Member States on Algeria Brussels 17 February 1992 Document 4b47 Statement b.
Document 4b748 Joint Press Release by the ECAlgeria Cooperation Council Luxembourg 9 October 1995 Document 4b49 Statement in the European Parliament on EU Policy towards Algeria 19 February 1997Document 4b51 Answer to a Written Question in the European Parliament by the United Kingdom Presidency 9 March 1998
Document 4b52 Conclusions of the European Council on Relations with the Mediterranean Countries Corfu 2425 June 1994
Document 4b54 Barcelona Declaration and Work Programme Adopted at the EuroMediterranean Conference Barcelona 2728 November 1995
Document 4b55 Conclusions of the European Council on Cyprus and Malta Corfu 2425 June 1994Document 4b57 Answer by the Italian Presidency to an Oral Question in the European Parliament H97895 from Ms Izquierdo Rojo on Libya and the.
Document 4b58 Answer by the Irish Presidency to a Written Question in the European Parliament E199396 from Mr Mendez de Vigo PPE 29 Nove.
Document 4b59 Conclusions of the European Council on a European Strategy for Turkey Luxembourg 1213 December 1997
Document 4b60 Conclusions of the European Council in Helsinki 11 December 1999 EnlargementDocument 4b62 Statement by the European Council on the Situation in Yugoslavia Luxembourg 2829 June 1991 Document 4b63 Declaration on th.
Document 4b64 Declaration of Yugoslavia European Political Cooperation Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting Brussels 27 August 1991
Document 4b65 Declaration on Yugoslavia European Political Cooperation Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting The Hague 19 September 1991
Document 4b66 Declaration on Yugoslavia Extraordinary European Political Cooperation Ministerial Meeting Rome 8 November 1991
Document 4b68 Declaration by the European Council on Former Yugoslavia Lisbon 2627 June 1992Document 4b69 Declaration on the Former Yugoslavia European Political Cooperation Brussels 13 January 1993
Document 4b70 Joint Action of the Council of the European Union Decided on the Basis of Article J 3 of the Treaty on European Union on Support .
Document 4b 71 Decision by the Council of the European Union to Adopt and Extend the Application of Decision 93603CFSP Concerning the Joint.
Document 4b72 Joint Action Adopted by the Council on the Basis of Article J3 of the Treaty on European Union on the Nomination of a Special En.
Document 4b73 Joint Action Adopted by the Council of the European Union on the Basis of Article J 3 of the Treaty on European Union on the Part.
Document 4b74 Declaration on Yugoslavia Extraordinary European Political Cooperation Ministerial Meeting Brussels 16 December 1991
Document 4b76 Declaration on the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Informal Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs Guimaraes 12 May .
Document 4b78 Declaration by the Presidency on Behalf of the European Union on Recognition by EU Member States of the Federal Republic of Y.
Document 4b79 Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on Albania Brussels 17 March 1997
Document 4b80 Statement on the Situation in Albania in the European Parliament 9 April 1997 Document 4b81 Conclusions by the General Affairs Council on Albania Luxembourg 23 June 1997Document 4b82 Statement by the German Presidency after a Meeting with the Foreign Ministers of States from the Balkan Region affected by Events.
Document 4b84 Press Statement on the Trial of Kosovo Albanians Sentenced for Acts of Terrorism 20 December 1997
Document 4b85 Statement in the UN Security Council by the UK Presidency on Kosovo 31 March 1998 Document 4b86 Statement by the European Council on Kosovo Cardiff 15 June 1998 Document 4b87 Press Statement on a Comprehensive Approach to Kosovo 27 October 1998Document 4b88 Council Decision on the Monitoring of the Situation in Kosovo and Related Declaration by the Danish Delegation 13 November 1998
Document 4b89 Conclusions of the European Council Meeting in Berlin 2425 March 1999Document 4b90 Joint Action Adopted by the Council on the Basis of Article J3 of the Treaty of European Union in Relation to the Nomination of an.
Document 4b92 Council Joint Action Concerning the Installation of the Structures of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo UNMIK 29 July 1999
Document 4b93 Common Position Adopted by the Council on the Basis of Article l5 of the Treaty on European Union concerning a Stability Pact fo.
Document 4c2 Statement by the European Council on Rhodesia Luxembourg 2 April 1976 Document 4c3 Statement by the Nine Foreign Ministers on Zimbabwe Rome 18 April 1980Document 4c4 Press Statement by the Ten Foreign Ministers on South Africa Luxembourg 10 September 1985
Document 4c5 Communique of the Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Frontline States and of the Member States of the European Community L.
Document 4c7 Statement by the Twelve Foreign Ministers on South Africa Brussels 16 September 1986 Document 4c8 Declaration by the European Council on Southern Africa Dublin 2526 June l990 Document 4c9 Declaration by the European Council on South Africa Rome 1415 December 1990Document 4c10 Joint Action Adopted by the Council of the European Union on the Basis of Article J3 of the Treaty on European Union Concerning.
Document 4c11 Declaration of the European Union on South Africa Brussels 6 May 1994 Document 4c12 Declaration of the European Union on Rwanda Brussels 18 April 1994 Document 4c13 Declaration of the European Union on Rwanda Brussels 16 May 1994Document 4c15 Common Position Adopted by the Council on the Basis of Article J2 of the Treaty on European Union on the Objectives and Prioriti.
Document 4c16 Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Unions Objectives and Priorities Regarding Burundi Brussels 19 March 1995
Document 4c17 Joint Action Adopted by the Council on the Basis of Article J3 of the Treaty on European Union in Relation to the Nomination of a .
Document 4c18 Joint Action Adopted by the Council on the Basis of Article J3 of the Treaty on European Union on the African Great Lakes Region .
Document 4c19 Joint Action Adopted by the Council on the Basis of Article J42 of the Treaty on European Union on the Elaboration and Implement.
Document 4c20 Common Position Adopted by the Council of the European Union on the Basis of Article J2 of the Treaty on European Union on Ni.
Document 4c21 Common Position Denned by the Council of the European Union on the Basis of Article J2 of the Treaty on European Union on Nig.
Document 4c22 Conclusions of the Twelve Foreign Ministers on Africa Copenhagen 2122 June 1993Document 4c23 Conclusions by the General Affairs Council on the Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts in Africa Luxembourg 23 June l997
Document 4c24 Common Position on Human Rights Democratic Principles the Rule of Law and Good Governance in Africa 25 May l998 98350CFSP
Document 4c25 Declaration on the Falklands European Political Cooperation 2 April l982 Document 4c28 Conclusions by the European Council on Central America Brussels 2930 March l982 Document 4c29 Conclusions by the European Council on Central America Stuttgart l7l9 June l983Document 4c31 Joint Declaration of the CommunityASEAN Foreign Ministers Conference Brussels 202l November l978
Document 4c32 Joint Statement ECASEAN Ministerial Meeting Kuala Lumpur 78 March l980Document 4c33 Common Position Defined by the Council of the European Union on the Basis of Article J2 of the Treaty on European Union on Bu.
Document 4c34 Conclusions by the General Affairs Council on Burma Myanmar Luxembourg 26 June l997 Document 4c35 Joint Declaration on ECJapan Relations The Hague l8 July l99lDocument 4c36 Resolution of the Council and of the Member States Meeting in the Council on Human Rights Democracy and Development 28 Nov.
Document 4c37 EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports See AppendixDocument 4c38 Declaration of the European Union on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights Vienn.